Monday, 17 October 2011

Flower elf goes Moon elf

The original sketch for my moon elf drawing that you can find on Facebook and Deviantart. It's funny how much it has changed in appearance.
I grew tired of how it looked and I decided to change quite a lot - her nose among other things :)

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

T-kay steals Kira's clothes

This is a really old fanart from '06.
I still can't help but giggle when I see it. :3 


My character Velendie..... I'm not sure about the style though.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

mother earth by Karribabe and me

Karribabe gave us permission on dA to colour this lineart and I took the opportunity, because I simply love her line and works! Her line is normally traditional ink, so I had to digitally ink it or else it's impossible to colour it.  The line does simply not exist.
I felt that something was missing at top and bottom, so I asked for permission to change or rather add some things. I then just continued Karribabes line and ended them. Like the branch. I think the frame have had become really nice.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Amiera og hoshi-hana

The sketch of my new header on

Monday, 28 March 2011


The sketch for my new ID on deviantart :D

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Merenwen og Tayriem

My characters Merenwen of Clalaemitore (a princess disguised as a regular teenage girl) and Tayriem Moruweän, who is the son of the President of The Elvern City. 

A story I'm writing at the moment :) 

Friday, 11 March 2011

Asterix ala hoshi-hana

Asterix as he would  look like in my style :D
Oh my! He looks so young :O

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


Obelix being shy - inspired from "Le Tour de Gaule d' Astérix".
Made yesterday :D

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Semi realistic Kira and Amiera

Both made the 1st of October 2010..... 
I recall that I watched Terminator 3 while drawing these.

Old sketch: Kira

You all know her.... Kira June.... Made sometime in 2009.

Old sketch: random girl

I once tried to make a style similar to Michelle84's. 

She's really talented - I can only recommend her art:

Old sketch: Children illustration

One of the projects I got when I went to the Teacher's college in Copenhagen. 

I decided to make a girl, who lived in a grey and sad world.... She had a red umbrella :D 

Old and new sketch: perspective practice

The first sketch is from 2008 and the last one is new.... From January I think.

Old sketch: Blomia

Jeg kom desværre aldrig videre med den D: Det gør jeg måske en dag?

Asterix sketch

Sketchen for min seneste tegning :) 
