Monday, 28 March 2011


The sketch for my new ID on deviantart :D

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Merenwen og Tayriem

My characters Merenwen of Clalaemitore (a princess disguised as a regular teenage girl) and Tayriem Moruweän, who is the son of the President of The Elvern City. 

A story I'm writing at the moment :) 

Friday, 11 March 2011

Asterix ala hoshi-hana

Asterix as he would  look like in my style :D
Oh my! He looks so young :O

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


Obelix being shy - inspired from "Le Tour de Gaule d' Astérix".
Made yesterday :D

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Semi realistic Kira and Amiera

Both made the 1st of October 2010..... 
I recall that I watched Terminator 3 while drawing these.

Old sketch: Kira

You all know her.... Kira June.... Made sometime in 2009.

Old sketch: random girl

I once tried to make a style similar to Michelle84's. 

She's really talented - I can only recommend her art:

Old sketch: Children illustration

One of the projects I got when I went to the Teacher's college in Copenhagen. 

I decided to make a girl, who lived in a grey and sad world.... She had a red umbrella :D 

Old and new sketch: perspective practice

The first sketch is from 2008 and the last one is new.... From January I think.

Old sketch: Blomia

Jeg kom desværre aldrig videre med den D: Det gør jeg måske en dag?

Asterix sketch

Sketchen for min seneste tegning :) 
